Sermon Archives


Forty Weeks Week 23 Fulfilled Prophecy to Current Update Fall Feasts 2020 Pt III

Fulfilled prophecy from 1917 to current! The Bible told us what would happen in the last days!  It is clear we are in the last days!


Joel Intro Part IV Current events and Bible prophecy


Revelation – An Introduction to the Apocalypse

We are starting our new study through the entire book of Revelation! Today, Pastor Brett talks about signs that we are in the last days and how we can understand the mysteries in the Bible – including the book of Revelation. It is not veiled, but the word ‘Revelation’ itself means to unveil or reveal […]


Jerusalem and the Feast of Lights

What about President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?  What about Hanukkah – the Feast of dedication and lights?  The importance of these two events in light of God’s jubilees and Biblical prophecy.


Prophecy Update pt.2 9/28/14

What does the Bible say about current events?  Bible prophecy update.


Prophecy Update – The Middle East Conflict