Light, Silence, and Extra Oil Luke 12:35-36

April 15, 2024


Pastor Brett gives a quick prophecy update on current events in the Middle East and a soul searching message on what we need in these times to be wise Christians.  We need to keep our lamps lit and have that ‘extra oil’ to give light to a dark world.

And that Light is the Holy Spirit Baptizing and empowering and gifting us! And He speaks to us and leads us!

Pastor Brett said, ‘God put this on my heart this morning – Silence is what allows your heart to talk to your head. In the tranquility of silence, the noise of the world fades, and the stillness becomes a sacred space where the heart finds its voice. It is in this hushed sanctuary that the heart converses with the mind, where introspection and reflection intertwine, shaping clarity amid life’s tumultuous journey. As the noise subsides, the Holy Spirit finds room to speak, guiding with gentle whispers that resonate through the soul. In the hush of silence, amidst the whispering winds, the Spirit’s presence is felt, leading with divine wisdom and grace, illuminating the path forward with divine guidance. As Romans 8:14 reveals, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”‘

Bible References

  • Luke 12:35 - 36
