
Fall of, 2001-  Pastor Brett was driving down Antonio Park Way praying.  As he passed the Water District Building God told him to start a Bible study there.  He kept driving but God told him to go back and set it up.  Brett said, ‘if it’s free and they have a space, I’ll do it’.  He went in and the reception lady called the facilities lady down to the lobby.  She took him to the conference room (seats about 75 people!) and Brett knew God was in this.  He filled out the application and started a Bible study there the next Sunday night.Brett asked Garrett Breeland and Tino Abate to assist him in starting the study.  They did.  It began to grow and by March, 2002, God told them to start a Church.  Brett didn’t want to.  However, God prevailed.  As soon as Brett said yes, God totally healed his back!

We officially started Living Water Fellowship in September of 2002.